Fulltone Soul Bender v2 Fuzz Pedal - Used


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Used, in very good condition. Please see photo series for full cosmetic details. This item has been tested prior to listing, works as it should, and is ready for your board!  


_From Fulltone:_

Our Soul-Bender is based on the legendary Colorsound and Vox Series III ToneBenders made by Sola-Sound/England in the late '60's that was used by Beck and Page on much of their circa 1968-70 recordings.
Equipped with 3 gain-matched germanium transistor for a FAT, searing lead tone, I also made the Tone control response and range more usable and much less shrill sounding... Full clockwise is SMOOTH sounding.
The Soul-Bender cleans up when you back-off on the guitar's volume control. This pedal has tons of tonal character and even harmonics and of course, true bypass w/ LED is included with every one.
v2 is a huge improvement in the way the 3rd transistor is biased, making every single one consistently epic sounding!

Please note that any accessories included with the product are photographed with the item. If not pictured or advertised in the listing, no additional items are included.

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